

Carlo Tinella, Karl Muster 发表于 2024 年 4 月 23 日

基于 LoRaWAN 的网关是 LoRaWAN 网络服务器 (LNS) 的物理层 (PHY) 接口。一方面,它收听无线电频谱的某些部分并解码来自 LoRa 传感器的 LoRa® 调制信号。另一方面,网关将来自网络的消息作为 LoRa 调制信号向下传输到传感器。

LoRaWAN 区域参数中规定了接收和传输这些信号的确切参数。由于世界不同地区有不同的监管要求,因此参数因地区而异。


标签:LoRaLoRa 开发者无线射频物联网智能建筑智能家居

Alistair Fulton 发表于 2022 年 5 月 24 日




Posted by Byron BeMiller on 03 August 2020

In 2018, the U.S. made up 35 percent of the global smart home market, which is expected to grow five-fold to a $192 billion global market by 2023. The same data from IHS Markit shows that over a third (38 percent) of U.S. households already have at least one smart device. Consumers in the market for smart home devices are faced with an overwhelmingly wide variety of device options and technology platforms. Among those offering the longest range and lowest power consumption are YoLink LoRa®-based devices offered by YoSmart. Smart home sensors leveraging Semtech’s LoRa devices are only a few clicks away, available now on Amazon in the U.S.



Posted by Pedro Pachuca on 15 April 2020

资产追踪是物联网 (IoT) 最有前途的应用之一。运输、物流、医疗保健和食品服务等各个行业都在投资更智能的技术,用自动化资产管理解决方案取代孤立的传统系统。


标签:LoRa智能家居和建筑智慧供应链物流无线射频资产追踪智慧建筑智能家居LoRa EdgeESG

Posted by Byron BeMiller on 20 January 2020

Another CES is in the books, and as usual, it was a blur of visionary concepts demonstrated alongside very useful, near-term technology. While much has already been written about CES 2020, I will focus my impressions on the connectivity technology choices for the smart home and building. While the market continues to evolve clever ways to present, manipulate and use data to make our lives and businesses simpler and more efficient, feeding the appetite of the big data engine presents many challenges in the smart building connectivity market.


Tags: LoRa, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Events, Smart Buildings, Smart Homes, ESG

Posted by Marc Pégulu on 16 December 2019

IHS Markit 预测,到 2023 年,所有低功耗广域网 (LPWAN) 将有多达 43% 基于 Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件和 LoRaWAN® 协议*。截至 2019 年 12 月,全球已部署超过五十万个支持 LoRa 的网关,支持 1.35 亿个基于 LoRa 的终端节点**。随着物联网 (IoT) 解决方案的全球采用以及支持 LoRa 的应用的市场份额不断增长,将越来越难以找到无法从任何互联器件中受益的业务部门。新的 LoRa 用例定期发布全球 LoRaWAN 网络部署(公共或私有)的数量不断增加,似乎对这些应用的唯一限制就是开发人员和系统集成商解决当今现实世界业务挑战的想象力。



Posted by Byron BeMiller on 11 December 2019

Real estate is the second highest operating expense for employers behind salaries. At the same time, the workforce is rapidly transitioning into an “anytime, anywhere” work ethos. Despite these realities, little has changed in the way office space is utilized. As a result, very expensive office space is going unused. Worse still, without adequate data to prove otherwise, facility managers often request additional budget to lease even more space due to the belief that they are out of room in their existing facilities.


Tags: LoRa, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Buildings, ESG

Posted by Byron BeMiller on 10 December 2019

As the vertical market director for Smart Homes and Buildings in Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group, and lead for the Smart Buildings Working Group of the LoRa Alliance®, I recently had the pleasure of attending the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) World Workplace® Conference and Expo in Phoenix, Arizona. According to IFMA, the event is the largest and longest-running event series for facility management (FM) and workplace professionals, attracting an audience of nearly 5,000 professionals from 17 countries.


Tags: LoRa, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Buildings, ESG

Posted by Austin Senseman & Nathan McMinn on 01 October 2019

At Conserv, we built one of the first environmental monitoring solutions using Semtech’s LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® protocol to bring better care to the world’s 450,000+ art and cultural collections in museums, libraries, archives, and private collections. Accurate and consistent monitoring is important because unhealthy collection environments – those with excessive heat, humidity, light, and vibration – do irreversible damage to valuable, sensitive objects. Sounds straightforward, right?


Tags: LoRa, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Buildings, ESG

Posted by Byron BeMiller on 23 September 2019

智能建筑并不是新鲜事物。自上世纪 80 年代中期以来,建筑自动化一直在推进(通常在幕后),并从 BACnet 发展到许多 IEEE 协议,最近从严格的有线连接发展到有线和无线传感器。建筑管理系统 (BMS) 在这一演变过程中发挥了重要作用。但从历史角度来看,除了管理 HVAC 系统和建筑内的其他实体操作,这些系统的作用有限。



Tags: LoRa, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Buildings, ESG




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