
Tim Cooper

Tim Cooper


Tim Cooper 发表于 2023 年 11 月 9 日

在认证和理解 LoRaWAN® 网络运行方面,欧洲无线电法规可能模棱两可。在这里,我们来看看使用 LoRa® 芯片组构建的终端器件应如何通过合规性认证,以及部署在实际 LoRaWAN 网络中的终端器件的预期占空比容量。


标签:LoRaLoRa 开发者网关

Posted by Tim Cooper on 28 March 2023

Amazon Sidewalk is enabling new services to help benefit everyone, from locating lost items to extending the range of smart devices and beyond by harnessing the limitless possibilities of developer and community innovation.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, Smart Homes & Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart Homes, AWS, Amazon Sidewalk

Posted by Tim Cooper on 27 April 2020

Would you like a free PCB design review from Semtech?

The Semtech PCB Design Review Service is designed to facilitate the development of LoRaWAN®-based hardware for the deployment of successful solutions.

Our engineers will review your schematic and PCB design to help you avoid common design pitfalls. We will even provide you with a list of suggestions to help you improve your design. Implementing our suggestions will help ensure that your devices meet regulatory requirements and that they will work in the field.


标签:LoRaLoRa 开发者无线射频物联网

Posted by Tim Cooper on 28 March 2019

How do we increase the range of a radio link? Here we look at the constraints at work when building a real-world long range radio link. We’ll show how and why LoRa Technology is the right choice for designing a radio link where range matters.

Long Range and Low Consumption in the Real World

How do we maximize the range of a low power radio link in a practical application? Assuming that we do not want to incur the hardware and recurring operating costs together with the high energy consumption of a Cellular solution, this means finding a solution in the license-free ISM band.


Tags: LoRa Developers, Wireless RF




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