
Katy Koenen

Katy Koenen


Posted by Katy Koenen on 05 April 2022

An associate professor at the Savoie Mont Blanc University, Sylvain Montagny specializes in microprocessor systems and the Internet of Things (IoT). In his role at the university, he is in charge of the postgraduate master’s program in Electronics and Embedded Systems. Montagny and his colleagues on the teaching staff of Savoie Mont Blanc University have created a course dedicated to LoRa® and LoRaWAN®, based on the curricula of the following courses:


标签:LoRaLoRa 开发者物联网LoRaWAN

Posted by Katy Koenen on 14 March 2022

An innovative software and hardware solution designed to enable cost-effective and energy-efficient asset tracking and management solutions, the LoRa Edge™ asset management platform addresses a wide variety of use cases and scenarios, thanks to the versatile and configurable components that make up the system. Furthermore, it uses Semtech’s LoRa Cloud™ geolocation capabilities to significantly reduce power consumption by determining asset locations in a cloud-based solver.

A wealth of information about the LoRa Edge asset management platform is available. Here, we’re packaging it all up in one place to make finding what you need easier.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, Asset Tracking, LoRa Edge, LoRaWAN, LoRa Cloud

Posted by Katy Koenen on 04 March 2021

Sylvain Montagny, Associate Professor at Savoie Mont Blanc University, is passionate about the Internet of Things. So passionate, in fact, that he teaches a course at the university where students learn to create their own Internet of Things (IoT) solutions using Semtech’s LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® protocol.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, Asset Tracking, LoRaWAN

Katy Koenen 发表于 2020 年 11 月 30 日

Just getting started developing Internet of Things (IoT) solutions with Semtech’s LoRa® ICs? Interested in how to build and deploy a device? We have a great technical paper that will walk you through how to build a device from scratch using off-the-shelf components.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers

Posted by Katy Koenen on 09 September 2019


LoRaWAN® networks primarily use the Aloha method for communication between end devices and their associated network servers. Using the Aloha method, end devices send data through a gateway to the network server only when one or more of their sensors notice a particular change in their environment or when some other event is triggered, such as a timer expiring. After the end device sends the uplink, it “listens” for a message from the network one and two seconds after the uplink before going back to sleep.


Tags: LoRa Developers, LoRaWAN Academy, LoRaWAN Deployment, LoRaWAN Network Server, LoRaWAN




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