
LoRa Edge

Shahar Feldman 发表于 2024 年 1 月 12 日

资产追踪曾经只是防盗的代名词。如今,它将效率融入到企业的运营结构中。LoRa Edge 这样的创新产品TM 平台使公司能够: 


标签:LoRa资产跟踪LoRa EdgeAWS

Pedro Mendoza 发表于 2023 年 12 月 8 日

AWS IoT Core Device Location 于 2022 年 11 月推出,使客户能够使用位置数据(例如纬度和经度坐标)跟踪和管理物联网设备。  


标签:LoRaLoRa EdgeAWS

Posted by Steven Hegenderfer on 26 May 2023

Understanding On-Premise LoRaWAN® Deployments

Many LoRaWAN deployments are private or on-premise. These deployments rely on the ability to deploy sensors, gateways and a network server within a company’s own infrastructure, and might require that the entire infrastructure remain sealed off from the internet.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, LoRa Edge, LoRaWAN

Julie McGee 发表于 2023 年 1 月 6 日

我们很高兴能够参加 CES 2023(2023 年消费电子展),在展会上,采用 Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件和 LoRaWAN® 标准的解决方案呈现出最为强劲的发展势头。今天上午, 我们有幸与众多客户、LoRa 生态系统合作伙伴和行业专家进行了交流,讨论了低功耗、远程物联网 (IoT) 技术对为我们的星球实现更智能、更环保、更具弹性的未来的强大影响。降低碳排放的旅程——更广泛地说,帮助企业实现其环境、社会和治理(ESG)目标——是 Semtech 为建设更美好世界而进行创新的基石。 


标签:LoRa新闻物联网活动LoRa EdgeESG

Karthik Ranjan 发表于 2022 年 6 月 21 日




标签:LoRa无线射频物联网资产跟踪LoRa EdgeLoRa Cloud

Sree Durbha 发表于 2022 年 4 月 13 日



标签:LoRa无线射频物联网资产追踪LoRa Edge

Posted by Katy Koenen on 14 March 2022

An innovative software and hardware solution designed to enable cost-effective and energy-efficient asset tracking and management solutions, the LoRa Edge™ asset management platform addresses a wide variety of use cases and scenarios, thanks to the versatile and configurable components that make up the system. Furthermore, it uses Semtech’s LoRa Cloud™ geolocation capabilities to significantly reduce power consumption by determining asset locations in a cloud-based solver.

A wealth of information about the LoRa Edge asset management platform is available. Here, we’re packaging it all up in one place to make finding what you need easier.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, Asset Tracking, LoRa Edge, LoRaWAN, LoRa Cloud

Posted by Sree Durbha on 20 January 2022

Location is a vital component of the Internet of Things (IoT), encompassing the ability of things to sense and communicate their geographic position. Location data helps organize, track and account for the billions of Internet-connected devices based on sensors and other location-centric elements within them. The ability to capture location data forms the basis of location-based services and starts with the physical radio frequency (RF) technologies that interact with the world around them.

Several technologies, such as GPS, LoRa® and others, can provide outdoor location information. However, these existing technologies are not optimized for IoT asset tracking use cases due to their increased power requirements which require access to frequent charging as well as inability to work indoors. Reducing power consumption on devices fundamentally requires a reduction of compute on device, with IoT this can be accomplished by partitioning the workload between the device and harnessing the power of the Cloud. For precise indoor location, where GPS has no tangible reach, and to enable continuous location detection or tracking, indoor positioning systems (IPS) technologies such as Wi-Fi come into play.


标签:LoRa新闻无线射频物联网资产追踪LoRa Edge

Posted by Sree Durbha on 26 October 2020

资产追踪是物联网 (IoT) 部署最广泛的应用之一。到 2025 年,物联网对工厂、零售场所、工作场所、办公室和家庭的总体经济影响可能高达 6.3 万亿美元, according to McKinsey Global. A variety of industries, including home and building, healthcare, agriculture, and food services in addition to the industrial and logistics markets, are investing in smarter technologies to replace siloed legacy systems with automated asset management solutions. Many existing geolocation applications are power hungry and require multiple devices, software and services from multiple vendors, resulting in increased complexity and cost.


标签: LoRaLoRa 开发者智慧供应链物流无线射频物联网资产追踪LoRa Edge

Posted by Sree Durbha on 20 October 2020

As Internet of Things (IoT) customers discover the benefits of LoRa® devices for applications as diverse as water metering, smart lighting or tracking rhinos, there is increasing demand for “location of things” services. Location is a vital component of the IoT that encompasses the ability of things to sense and communicate their geographic position. Location data helps organize, track and account for the billions of Internet-connected devices based on sensors and other location-centric elements in them. The ability to capture location data forms the basis of location-based services, and starts with the physical radio frequency (RF) technologies that interact with the world around them. Several technologies, such as GPS, LoRa and others, are able to provide outdoor location information. However, for precise indoor location where GPS has no tangible reach, and to enable continuous location detection or tracking, indoor positioning systems (IPS) technologies such as Wi-Fi come into play.


标签:LoRaLoRa 开发者无线射频物联网LoRa Edge




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