
Semtech’s Corporate Blog

LoRa Edge™:简化的物联网资产管理平台

LoRa, LoRa Edge

Pedro Pachuca

Pedro Pachuca

Semtech 在其新的 LoRa Edge™ 平台中推出了第一款产品——这是一个高度通用且低功耗的软件定义 LoRa® 平台,将为室内和室外资产管理实现广泛的应用组合。该平台的第一款产品 LoRa Edge™ 多技术资产管理平台 (LR1110) 是一个颠覆性的地理定位解决方案,可显著降低在安全环境中定位和监控物联网 (IoT) 资产的成本和复杂性.

Reduced Power Consumption

Battery life is a key limiter to the potential of existing asset management. Conventional GPS trackers need batteries on each device to be replaced every three to six months. The time and expense required to change batteries are acute, especially when hundreds of thousands of trackers are deployed in the field.

GPS 天生会消耗大量的计算能力。它的一项耗电功能涉及从卫星接收信号并计算相关器件的实时位置。同样,在查找连接到网络时使用的 MAC 地址识别码的过程中,Wi-Fi 也需要器件本身的大量资源。

To solve for some of these challenges, Semtech set out to disrupt the power consumption norm in the asset management industry.

LoRa Edge 的创新器件到云系统已将位置计算引擎移至云端。物联网器件仍然负责从卫星获取信号并从接入点获取 MAC 地址,但不是解析资产本身的位置,而是将信息放入 LoRa 帧并发送到云服务器。

使用 LoRa Edge 确定资产位置时,需要大量耗电、计算密集型的活动将在云端进行。Semtech 利用专有的“器件到云”架构将资产追踪的功耗降低到传统解决方案的十分之一,从而节省了大量成本,并支持在未来的物联网部署中快速扩展定位服务。

LoRa Edge 支持客户在 LoRa Cloud™ 地理定位服务 中选择基于订阅或基于消费的模式,使客户能够进一步管理总拥有成本 (TCO)。客户可将地理定位服务设置为安装时获取资产位置和状态数据,或按每天一次、每月一次、每年一次等频率获取。这种基于消费的模式可帮助客户优化投资并仅在需要时使用地理定位服务。对于需要定期(每天多次)了解资产位置的客户,Semtech 还提供基于订阅的模式。


All-in-one Chipset

Developers of conventional “track it” types of asset management solutions are presently required to use components from multiple vendors (GPS, Wi-Fi, location database, LPWAN). Another major challenge we hear from developers creating asset tracking solutions is ensuring that each of these components seamlessly integrate and work well together.

LoRa Edge 的模块化和可配置 LR1110 芯片组将 LoRa 收发器的独特定位和超低功耗功能,以及多星座 GNSS 扫描和 Wi-Fi 无源扫描功能,通通集成至单一芯片中。不但如此,这一设计还同时适用于室内和室外应用。

By removing the need for incremental GNSS and Wi-Fi components from different vendors and eliminating the requirement for separate indoor and outdoor management solutions, IoT solution providers can significantly reduce design and procurement complexity as well as bill of material (BOM) costs for devices.


Built-in Security at the Highest Level

Manufacturers must safeguard against outside forces being able to manipulate or gain unauthorized access into a tracker to discover the position of an asset, or worse, potentially guide an asset in a different direction.

To protect against these threats, solution providers typically implement costly, secure manufacturing process or external secure hardware and elements. This increases cost, power consumption and design complexity.

LoRa Edge 多技术资产管理平台 (LR1110) 使用高度安全的硬件模块预先配置了安全密钥。此解决方案在内存中集成了一个带有“安全位置”的加密引擎来安装这些密钥。现在,客户无需再为他们的资产管理解决方案实施任何额外和昂贵的安全措施。


Location Accuracy

For customers requiring extremely precise accuracy, within a centimeter, such as advanced robotics that interact with miniaturized items for assembly, a cellular solution with GPS and Wi-Fi remains the optimal asset tracking solution, although its extensive power consumption will be unavoidable.

在提供定位服务的资产管理解决方案中,有 80% 要求资产位置的识别达到“标准级别”的准确度(几米之内),而 LoRa Edge 就是一个革命性的选择。在同一工厂车间内,人们可以通过查看可视化的资产位置显示,来定位几米内的各种机器和工具。

LoRa Edge 消除了资产追踪解决方案以前在地理定位服务方面面临的挑战,简化了物联网解决方案开发。低功耗、多技术、地理定位和云就绪解决方案平台是智能建筑、家居、农业、运输和物流市场的理想选择。


下载新的信息图,了解更多关于 LoRa Edge 的潜在应用。


Semtech、Semtech 徽标和 LoRa 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务标志,LoRa Edge 和 LoRa Cloud 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的商标或服务标志

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