

Posted by Steven Hegenderfer on 28 March 2023

Discover the Power of Amazon Sidewalk and LoRa® Technology for IoT Solutions

With today’s announcement of Amazon Sidewalk, developers can now independently and rapidly create new Sidewalk-enabled devices with access to a new Amazon Sidewalk developer portal, coverage maps and new partner SDKs.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, Smart Homes & Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart Homes, AWS, Amazon Sidewalk

Posted by Tim Cooper on 28 March 2023

Amazon Sidewalk is enabling new services to help benefit everyone, from locating lost items to extending the range of smart devices and beyond by harnessing the limitless possibilities of developer and community innovation.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, Smart Homes & Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart Homes, AWS, Amazon Sidewalk

Alistair Fulton 发表于 2022 年 5 月 24 日




Byron BeMiller 发表于 2020 年 11 月 16 日

Smart home automation makes it possible to proactively heat your home from the road, automatically close your garage each evening and conserve energy, among many other modern conveniences. 



Posted by Alistair Fulton on 21 September 2020

Semtech has taken great strides to help solution developers realize the potential for LoRa® devices in the smart home space. With the launch of its LoRa Smart Home™ transceiver earlier this year, Semtech is making it easier for developers to leverage the benefits of long range, low power and low cost end devices based on LoRa for the consumer market.


Tags: LoRa, News, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Smart Homes, ESG

Posted by Byron BeMiller on 20 April 2020

Smart homes are booming in popularity. The increasing volume of connected devices that collect data make them an attractive target for hackers. Accordingly, buyers are increasingly concerned about the privacy and security of their smart home data. The combination of LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® standard provides powerful levels of security for smart home system consumers.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, LPWAN, Smart Homes

Posted by Pedro Pachuca on 15 April 2020

资产追踪是物联网 (IoT) 最有前途的应用之一。运输、物流、医疗保健和食品服务等各个行业都在投资更智能的技术,用自动化资产管理解决方案取代孤立的传统系统。


标签:LoRa智能家居和建筑智慧供应链物流无线射频资产追踪智慧建筑智能家居LoRa EdgeESG

Posted by Byron BeMiller on 08 April 2020

Managing a building certainly isn’t easy, but the Internet of Things (IoT) sure can make it feel that way.


Tags: LoRa, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Smart Homes, ESG

Posted by Byron BeMiller on 20 January 2020

Another CES is in the books, and as usual, it was a blur of visionary concepts demonstrated alongside very useful, near-term technology. While much has already been written about CES 2020, I will focus my impressions on the connectivity technology choices for the smart home and building. While the market continues to evolve clever ways to present, manipulate and use data to make our lives and businesses simpler and more efficient, feeding the appetite of the big data engine presents many challenges in the smart building connectivity market.


Tags: LoRa, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Events, Smart Buildings, Smart Homes, ESG

Posted by Remi Lorrain on 18 December 2019

智能公用事业和住宅行业中的无线计数器读数是涉及计数器读数、数据评估和计费的所有流程中最有前景的应用之一,并具有很高的优化潜力。与 Minol-ZENNER Group 共同发表的一份新白皮书探讨了 Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件和 LoRaWAN® 协议在智能家居、多户住宅、建筑和智能公用事业中的部署必须如何遵守当前的德国法律和监管。






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