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使用 LoRaWAN® 实现更智能的设施管理

LoRa, Smart Homes & Buildings, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Buildings, ESG

Byron BeMiller

Byron BeMiller

Director, Product Management, Semtech

As the vertical market director for Smart Homes and Buildings in Semtech’s Wireless and Sensing Products Group, and lead for the Smart Buildings Working Group of the LoRa Alliance®, I recently had the pleasure of attending the International Facilities Management Association (IFMA) World Workplace® Conference and Expo in Phoenix, Arizona. According to IFMA, the event is the largest and longest-running event series for facility management (FM) and workplace professionals, attracting an audience of nearly 5,000 professionals from 17 countries.

LoRaWAN® 生态系统的创新演示

由于智能建筑是一个关键的垂直市场,并且基于 LoRa® 的解决方案提供了经过验证的商业价值,因此 LoRa Alliance 在此次活动中展示产品,并面向设施经理介绍 LoRaWAN® 生态系统中几个主要成员打造的智能建筑解决方案。Microshare 演示如何使用占用数据,从基于时间的现有清洁模型迁移到基于使用数据的预测清洁模型。Microshare 称,在实施预测解决方案后,其客户的清洁成本降低了 20%。设施管理公司还受益于数字化的清洁记录,不再需要依赖“剪贴复制式”的手动记录。在单独的演示中,Microshare 介绍了其设施性能数据对可持续性和绿色建筑计划的价值。


在 IFMA 博览会上,OpenSensors 在 LoRa Alliance 的展位以及自己的展览空间等多个位置展示其解决方案。OpenSensors 利用 Semtech 的 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 协议从无线传感器收集数据,并用其分析平台测量空间利用率。

Building managers and facilities teams have instant access to real time occupancy data which helps them really understand how office space is used. Managers get an accurate measurement of utilization in comparison to manual surveys, allowing them to:

  • Efficiently manage space better in the workplace
  • 提高占用率并增加房地产价值
  • 找到降低运营成本的方法
  • 提高员工生产力

Learn about OpenSensors’ LoRa-based solution in the white paper, “How to Achieve Efficient Workspace Utilization with LoRa® Devices and the LoRaWAN® Protocol.”


I was also pleased to host a panel discussion on smart building utilization to a standing-room-only crowd. The panel discussion featured Microshare and OpenSensors, and introduced the audience to the concept of using Internet of Things (IoT) to plan space usage at a high level. The use cases described above were presented as proof points. With a lively Q&A, it was clear the audience were highly engaged and curious to explore how their businesses could benefit from a digital transformation.

大多数占用解决方案依赖于通过 LoRaWAN 网络连接的简单运动传感器。Sembient 提供了另一种方法,它在边缘使用图像处理算法来计算空间中的实际人数。这对于测量会议室利用率特别有用,有助于评估建筑中的房间大小种类是否最适宜。


除了上述生态系统成员的展览外,显然人们对智能建筑物联网解决方案的需求正在增长 - 与几年前相比,这算得上重大转变。我注意到许多主要平台供应商现在都提供空间利用率模块,以作为其集成工作场所管理系统 (IWMS) 的一部分。

Facilities managers implementing LoRa-based IoT solutions can maximize efficiency and cut cost with minimal infrastructure and maintenance investment. Capgemini, a world-leading software developer with around 400 buildings worldwide, has implemented Semtech’s LoRa devices in its SmartOffice solution. Learn about this smart building transformation use case in our new white paper.


在我们的网站上探索更多基于 LoRa 的智能建筑用例。


Semtech、Semtech 徽标和 LoRa 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务商标。

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