
Rémi Demerlé

Rémi Demerlé


Posted by Rémi Demerlé on 20 June 2024

The adoption of OMS over LoRaWAN is entering into commercial availability.

Several smart metering solutions are being now commercially available with BIRDZ, ELVACO, KAMSTRUP, ZENNER and others that are the first paving the way for utilities to rely on M-Bus standard in OMS-based applications and end-devices featuring the LoRaWAN connectivity.


Tags: Smart Water Metering, LoRaWAN

Rémi Demerlé 发表于 2023 年 12 月 15 日

我们最近有幸举办了一场在线研讨会,主题是“利用 AWS 和 Semtech 的 LoRaWAN® 解决方案简化水和天然气的物联网”。在线研讨会深入探讨了崛起的物联网技术和并预测了水和天然气市场的增长,重点关注 LoRaWAN 部署的用例、提高效率、降低成本和优化整体运营。 



Rémi Demerlé 发表于 2023 年 7 月 18 日

Understanding Smart Metering and LoRaWAN® Interoperability Standards in the EU

在关键计量标准 DLMS 和 M-bus 的支持下,LoRaWAN 现已成为欧洲公用事业智能计量供应商之间实现合规性和互操作性的关键组成部分。


标签:LoRaLoRa 开发者智能公用事业物联网LoRaWAN

Rémi Demerlé 发表于 2022 年 3 月 29 日




Posted by Rémi Demerlé on 14 April 2021

With governments increasingly recognizing the need to control energy consumption and reduce waste, the requirement to make utilities smart is not only desirable, but also the law in many countries. Although the needs of electricity, gas and water utilities are different and highly specific, each utility type requires similar foundational technologies in terms of smart devices, connectivity and data processing.



Posted by Rémi Demerlé on 03 November 2020

欧洲标准化委员会 (CEN) 在其技术委员会 TC294 下正式创建了一个新的工作组,任务是为 M-Bus 协议制定新的适配层,主要用于智能水表、智能燃气表和智能热量表。这个名为 CEN TC294 WG7 的新工作组由 Nova Veolia 子公司 Birdz 的专家领导。该公司是欧洲智能计量生态系统的成功领导者,也是 LoRa Alliance® 的成员。2019 年,Semtech 与 Birdz 举办了一场网络研讨会,重点介绍其经过验证的用例。该用例利用 LoRaWAN® 协议改造市政供水网络,以提高效率并节省成本。



Posted by Rémi Demerlé on 12 October 2020

DLMS is the suite of standards developed and maintained by the Device Language Message Specification User Association (DLMS UA). The DLMS UA is an international and non-profit organization driving utilities and meter manufacturers to develop and support a common standard for data exchanges when it comes to smart metering. The DLMS suite supports a variety of wired and wireless communication standards, such as Cellular, PLC, Zigbee, WMBus, and Prime-PLC. DLMS has the flexibility to offer an application layer that is independent from the media layer, enabling the use of a single application over any of the supported communication technologies – or even a mix of them. For its part, the DLMS UA is now extending adoption to new markets and applications (such as private EV charging station and monitoring of smart infrastructure for electricity, gas and water) demanding a standardized data model and available application layer to enable more intelligent and interoperable devices.


Tags: LoRa, LoRa Developers, LoRaWAN Deployment

Posted by Rémi Demerlé on 23 June 2020

LoRa Alliance® 主办、Semtech 主持的网络研讨会中,DLMS(设备语言报文规范)用户协会主席宣布未来将发布用于 LoRaWAN® 协议的第一个 DLMS 配置文件。DLMS 用户协会和 LoRa Alliance 已合作两年多,共同定义一种安全可靠的方式来支持 LoRaWAN 网络上的 DLMS 协议。这种新的配置文件在 2018 年的多次演示中证明了自身可行性,并在 2019 年欧洲公用事业周和 2020 年印度智能公用事业周成功展示。这是通讯方式的一大关键成就,未来将在实施基于 LoRaWAN 的 DLMS 的过程中提供可靠性和互操作性。


Tags: LoRa, Smart Utilities, Wireless RF, Events

Posted by Rémi Demerlé on 24 March 2020

In January 2020, Semtech joined the Euridis Association, an international non-profit industry association promoting the development of standards and protocols.



Posted by Rémi Demerlé on 21 November 2019

随着全球智能水表市场的持续增长,Semtech 与 Birdz 共同主办了“部署智能水表:如何使用 Birdz 基于 LoRa® 的解决方案从 AMR 过渡到 AMI网络研讨会。Birdz 是 Nova Veolia 子公司,也是优化资源管理领域的全球领导者。网络研讨会讨论了公用事业提供商通过采用基于 Semtech 的 LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN® 协议的固定网络解决方案来提高仪表效率的策略。






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