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5G, LoRaWAN and Smart Cities at MWC

LoRa, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Events, Smart Buildings, Smart Water Metering, 5G

Olivier Beaujard

Olivier Beaujard

Senior Director LoRa® Alliance

5G, LoRaWAN and Smart Cities at MWCI have just returned from Mobile World Congress (MWC), the most anticipated mobile industry event of the year with 109,000 visitors from 198 countries, and I’m in awe of the pace of innovation in the Internet of Things (IoT) market, as well as the speed at which technologies are rapidly evolving to market-ready solutions. This observation could not be more true for Semtech’s LoRa® devices and wireless radio frequency technology (LoRa Technology).

Earlier this year, the LoRa Alliance® announced record growth with over 100 network operators running LoRaWAN®-based networks, a three-fold increase from the beginning of 2018. Semtech also announced that deployments of LoRa-based sensors cumulatively reached 80 million at the end of 2018, a 60% year over year increase and the volume of LoRa-based devices available on the market grows larger every day. A list of online catalogs featuring LoRa-based products and services can be found in this blog. While my responsibilities as Senior Director of the LoRa Alliance kept me on the run from meeting to meeting, a few major trends prevailed over the week which I have shared below.EXPLORE 5G BLOGS

Major Topics at MWC

In my last blog post, in which I reflected on MWC Americas, I acknowledged the growing excitement for 5G. At this global event, for the first time, attendees were able to learn more from LoRa Alliance CEO and Chairwoman Donna Moore about how LoRaWAN-based technology complements the global roll-out of 5G. In her presentation, “Today’s Smart Cities Use LoRaWAN,” Ms. Moore presented the wide range of benefits that LoRaWAN-based networks offer for real world smart city use cases: flexible deployment options (public/private), geolocation, security, energy efficiency, wide coverage, and deep penetration.

MWC 19 - Donna on stage at GSMA conference-1
LoRa Alliance CEO and Chairwoman Donna Moore presenting at MWC

Among the LoRa Alliance’s 500+ members are many of the industry’s leading network operators: ER Telecom, KPN, NTT, Objenious, Orange, SK Telecom, STC, and Swisscom, to name a few. See a complete coverage map on the LoRa Alliance’s website. In addition to the networks offered by global telecoms, private LoRaWAN-based networks can also be leveraged for LoRa-based IoT applications. In either case, the open LoRaWAN protocol can support smart city infrastructure use cases in transportation, utilities, waste management, asset tracking, environmental monitoring, street lighting, and smart parking. Find a sample of real world smart city use cases here.

As discussed among the panel after Ms. Moore’s presentation, LoRaWAN is seen as a complementary technology to 5G, enabling IoT applications for smart cities and beyond. Many applications for machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, such as smart agriculture or utilities, do not need the extreme bandwidth or the ultra-low latency of 5G networks. While 5G will most certainly transform the telecommunication industry, there is wide acknowledgement of the complementary role of low power wide area networks (LPWANs), and specifically LoRaWAN-based networks to enable the growth of IoT solutions. In addition, LoRaWAN is available now and ready to deploy today. As many real-world challenges need immediate solutions, enterprises are able to develop their LoRaWAN-based solution and expand with 5G coverage when it becomes available in the future.

LoRaWAN 和 NB-IoT 演示

说到授权频段,Semtech 在 MWC 的 LoRa Alliance 展台上所做的演示将 LoRaWAN 和 NB-IoT 进行了多方面的对比。该演示测量了两者在典型智能表计应用中的功耗和延迟性能。测试结果表明,与 NB-IoT 网络相比,基于 LoRaWAN 的网络功耗更低、延迟更少。一般而言,LoRaWAN 的能效是 NB-IoT 的三到五倍,电池寿命是 NB-IoT 连接器件的两倍以上。除了测得的能效优势外,基于 LoRaWAN 的网络还支持灵活的部署模型,可以渗透到授权频段连接受限或无法访问的室内和密集城市环境。LoRaWAN 协议具备开放性,它令互操作成为可能,更灵活,更加易于部署,降低了基础设施成本,并在众多垂直市场中实现了用例。我们在之前的一篇博客中分享了 NB-IoT 和 LoRaWAN 的技术对比,欢迎阅读以了解更多信息。

关于 LoRaWAN 和 NB-IoT 的 10 件事

网络运营商已经证明了 LoRaWAN 和 NB-IoT 是可以共存互补的技术。事实上,有数十家运营商选择同时提供这两种技术,以扩大覆盖范围并为实际用例提供必要的平台,基于客户的需求为客户创造经营效益和投资回报。

Semtech 在 MWC 上从多方面展示 LoRaWAN 和 NB-IoT

Recently Announced LoRaWAN-based Use Cases of Note

Announced by French network operator Orange, Veolia will leverage a LoRaWAN-based network to remotely read more than 70 percent of its water meters, over 3 million in total by 2027. While Orange business services provides a variety of technologies to its customers including LoRaWAN, 2G, 3G, 4G, and LTE-M, Orange’s LoRaWAN-based network covers 30,000 municipalities and 95% of the population of metropolitan France. With its long range, low power consumption and availability on the unlicensed spectrum, LoRa Technology was the platform of choice for Veolia’s smart metering application.

Objenious was recently chosen by Airbus to deploy and operate a LoRaWAN-based network for the aerospace giant’s connected IoT devices. One of the first in Europe, Objenious’ hybrid network is at the crossroads of public and private, allowing Airbus to have its own infrastructure while still benefiting from connection to the national network. This major device roll-out has taken place over the last four months at various Airbus plants, and includes some 700 sensors to monitor Airbus’ many assets.

The LoRa Alliance booth at MWC displayed available solutions and the vast ecosystem of companies supporting LoRa Technology

Additional News from the Ecosystem

The LoRa Technology ecosystem had no lack of exciting news at MWC. A few of those announcements include:

LoRaWAN 生态系统

Presenting the range of vertical market deployments in the LoRa Alliance in-booth theater

If we didn’t get the chance to meet at MWC this year, I welcome you to visit the events calendar for 2019 and make plans to meet Semtech, the LoRa Alliance and the LoRa Technology ecosystem in the near future. See events from the LoRa Alliance events calendar.

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