2025 年 3 月 26 日

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2025 年 3 月 26 日
本月早些时候,Semtech 和 Keysight 刚刚举行了一场在线研讨会,重点介绍了线性可插拔光学器件 (LPO) 的概念和技术。我们回顾了在这一新兴互连领域发现的重要技术差异,以及如何解决电子/光学互操作性和测试需求,以满足尖端系统互连性能需求。
LPO technology has several advantages in the field of lower power consumption and reduced signaling latency, which makes it an ideal and unique interconnect solution for AI, machine learning and hyperscaler datacenter applications. The current generation of linear specifications originates from the Optical Interconnect Forums (OIF) CEI-112G-LINEAR-PAM4 (800Gbps) specifications. The OIF has recently advanced this to a draft 224G version of the same linear interface, which is targeted for the 1.6Tbps interconnect field.
Typically, up until now all Intensity Modulation/Direct Detection (IM-DD) client optics at 100 Gb/s speeds and higher have been implemented with power hungry DSP re-timers. Implementing new systems using analog-only LPO modules within existing form factors offers substantial power advantages, along with reduced latency, lower complexity, and cost-effective modules—delivering significant cost and power savings for hyperscalers.
Semtech has led the charge on new standards for LPO modules, including the Optical Internetworking Forum’s (OIF) CEI-112G-Linear and CEI-212G-Linear Implementation Agreements and an industry based LPO-MSA specification for 100G single-mode optical modules.
To watch the full webinar on demand, please click here.
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