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使用 LoRaWAN® 防止洪水和下水道溢流

LoRa, Smart Cities, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Environment, ESG

Raphael Atayi

Raphael Atayi

Director, LoRa Partnerships & Solutions


洪水是美国最常见和最致命的自然灾害。根据政府间气候变化专门委员会 (IPCC) 关于极端事件的特别报告,气候变化明显影响了导致洪水的几个水相关变量,如更强大的风暴、增加的降雨、更剧烈的融雪和不断上升的海平面。为了保护我们的城市,我们需要对潜在的洪水状况进行准确、可靠、实时的监测,从而防止生命损失和高昂的财产损失。


LoRa® 和环境监测

The long range, low power and long battery life of Semtech's LoRa wireless radio frequency platform offers an ideal solution for environmental IoT monitoring applications that depend on battery-powered sensors. Using unlicensed spectrum, sensors featuring LoRa ICs seamlessly communicate over indoor or outdoor public, private or hybrid LoRaWAN® networks. Internet of Things (IoT) solutions enabled by Semtech’s LoRa ICs are used globally for real-time detection and measurement of environmental indicators, flagging potential problems, including potential floods, before they escalate. Thanks to the interoperability of the LoRaWAN standard, complementary solutions can also be added to improve prediction leveraging on more insights on the conditions (manhole monitoring, precipitation measurements, etc.)


IoT providers worldwide are beginning to offer comprehensive solutions that help monitor flood and sewer issues, reducing potential damages and costs associated with these damages, which can cripple unprepared communities.

  • StormSensor 开发了一个精密的风暴、下水道和海岸诊断系统,其中使用了基于 LoRaWAN 标准的 Scute 传感器。传感器测量水深和流速,并以无线方式传输数据,这有助于主动管理整个社区的容量问题、后备设施和洪水。用户可以利用该系统追踪和防止城市洪水,检测和测量下水道溢流以及测量海平面上升对基础设施的影响。该系统提供全面的覆盖,包括整个下水道网络,而不是提供策略性和效率较低的抽查,并追踪流量和实时发送警报。

  • 智能传感器解决方案供应商 SmartEnds 已与物联网传感器网络开发商 Fluves 合作,以提供一个水位监测系统,用于评估洪水、干旱、下水道溢流、盐度、泄漏和污染。该系统在 LoRaWAN 网络上运行,通过立即提醒用户需要清空水箱、降低成本并避免溢出问题来防止废水和化粪池溢出。系统传感器坚固且成本低廉,安装在排水沟、蓄水池、水箱、下水道和桥梁中以进行广泛监测,从而创建有关水位的信息网格。系统数据提供宝贵信息,以便采取可以防止洪水和应对干旱状况的行动。


若要了解有关 Semtech 环境监测解决方案的更多信息,请访问我们的网站


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