
Semtech’s Corporate Blog

LoRa® 解决现实世界的挑战

LoRa, Wireless RF, Internet of Things

Marc Pégulu

Marc Pégulu

Marc Pégulu 是 Semtech 无线和传感产品部的市场营销副总裁。

很难相信 Semtech 的 LoRa® 器件和 LoRaWAN® 标准仅仅问世六年。从物联网 (IoT) 开发人员、跨国公司到网络提供商,每个人都在为强大的 LoRaWAN 生态系统做贡献,从而实现多个行业的数字化转型。

LoRa 和 LoRaWAN 让物品“发声”。与 Wi-Fi 一样,LoRaWAN 标准在未授权频段运行并支持室内应用。LoRaWAN 具有蜂窝网络的特性,从终端设备到应用服务器都非常安全,适用于户外应用。LoRa 器件和 LoRaWAN 标准结合了 Wi-Fi 和蜂窝网络两者的优点,为室内外以及安装在公共、私人或混合网络区域的物联网应用提供了高效、灵活和经济的连接解决方案。

部署物联网连接解决方案从未如此简单。现在,151 家公共或私有网络运营商将 1.91 亿个终端节点连接到 LoRaWAN 网络。*数据和分析的这种爆炸式增长带来了深远的影响,催生出无数解决现实世界挑战的用例。在下面观看视频并详细了解这些用例。



农业综合企业利用 LoRaWAN 来提高产量并优化供应链。农户能够更好地管理产量、改进库存管理和自动化关键流程。

  • Precision irrigation reduces water resources up to 30%

  • Cattle health monitoring increases milk harvest by 1,200 liters per cow

  • 温室的远程温度监测确保植物健康成长


Connected solutions can wirelessly measure usage data and trends in dense urban environments, indoors and even underground.

  • Predictive analytics identify infrastructure issues to be fixed before failure

  • Remote sensor applications replace costly manual processes

  • Advanced metering infrastructure increases grid efficiency up to 25%

Supply Chain

LoRaWAN has transformed asset tracking and management for transportation, logistics, food services, and healthcare companies by preventing loss and damage of valuable goods.

  • Remote temperature monitoring of refrigerated food ensures quality

  • Indoor/Outdoor geolocation asset tracking improves planning and operations

  • Fleet monitoring increases fuel efficiency and enhances delivery safety

Smart Home & Building

The foundation of “smart” is using IoT to securely connect systems and share information to make structures greener, more energy efficient, productive and protected.

  • 监测燃气、电力和水的使用情况,从而减少消耗

  • Real-time leak detection predicts and prevents property damage

  • 24/7 monitoring of cracks, tilt and foundation strength improves safety

Adding to the momentum, Semtech recently teamed up with Amazon to collaborate on its network, Amazon Sidewalk. Leveraging the long range feature of LoRa, Amazon Sidewalk will enable device connectivity from the home to the garden, and into the neighborhood to benefit entire communities.

物联网和 LoRa 打造创新基石——创造更美好、更可持续、更适合生活、工作和娱乐的世界。在我们的新信息图中探索这些解决方案及更多信息。


*Semtech Q1FY22 Earnings Conference Call

Semtech, the Semtech logo and LoRa are registered trademarks or service marks of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates.

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