2021 年 4 月 20 日
LoRa, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Environment, ESG

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2021 年 4 月 20 日
LoRa, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Environment, ESG
如今美国 83% 的人口居住在人口稠密的城市。城市中的机会和文化吸引来越来越多的人,洪灾的风险也急剧上升。仅 2019 年,洪水就造成了 459 亿美元的经济损失。
洪水通常毫无预警地迅速上涨,被困的灾民只能苦苦支撑,等待应急响应团队穿过浑浊、湍急的洪水前来救援。新物联网 (IoT) 解决方案提供实时数据和洞察力,可发现洪水隐患,最大限度地降低生命、财产和业务的风险。
Green Stream 的首席执行官 Jim Gray 分享道:“在许多沿海城镇和社区,潮汐或雨水导致的水位上涨可能会带来巨大的威胁。”不幸的是,随着与气候变化相关的问题变得更加复杂,并且越来越多的人搬到人口稠密的地区,预计到 2030 年,这种威胁程度将翻一番。
Water can significantly damage a building’s foundation and supports, requiring immediate repairs. Any equipment or machinery stored at ground level may also be destroyed. And, once the waters subside, mold and mildew take their place causing further damage and expensive cleanup.
Building damage alone can significantly hurt a business, but floods cause a lot of other problems. Merchandise may be lost both in the warehouse and in transit. Vehicles, computers, machines, files, and data storage devices can all be destroyed by exposure to water.
Flooding can make it difficult for employees to get to work or keep employees barred from the building until the insurance company finishes its assessment of the damage. And, customers are not always willing to understand flood-related delays.
Pairing long range, low power sensors such as those with LoRa® device connectivity with smart IoT applications empowers experts to continuously calculate and track water levels and depths in real time. The small sensors can be installed in hard-to-reach areas like basements, alleys and sewers to remotely track water and immediately alert teams if levels begin to rise.
传感器数据还可以与消费者应用集成,以提醒居民潜在危险,并提供所需资源,如疏散区域列表和个人安全措施。Wi-Fi 在洪水紧急情况下可能会中断,但理想的物联网平台 LoRa 却依然坚守岗位。
IoT solutions paired with LoRa devices make it possible to remotely measure and detect issues before they become a crisis.
带有 LoRa 的单个传感器通过 LoRaWAN® 网关联网并持续收集数据,使物联网解决方案能够分析情况并提供切实可行的见解。由于 LoRa 器件的功耗极低,它们可以用电池连续工作多年,并无线连接到网关,从而一直在户外使用而无需维护。虽然没有能力阻止洪水,但我们可以通过构建主动的解决方案和改善基础设施来避免洪水造成的破坏。
LoRa 器件用于许多环境用例,包括监测空气质量、保护濒危物种、检测气体泄漏和监测地下水系统以有效解决短缺问题。Beartooth 甚至利用 LoRa 器件在自然灾害中常见的蜂窝网络中断期间实现可靠通信。
The opportunities of LoRa and IoT are endless.
We invite you to explore more Smart Environment solutions featuring LoRa on our website.
Semtech®, the Semtech logo, LoRa®, and LoRaWAN® are registered trademarks or service marks of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. Other product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
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