2020 年 5 月 12 日
Professional AV, BlueRiver, SDVoE

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2020 年 5 月 12 日
Professional AV, BlueRiver, SDVoE
所有以太网传输软件定义视频 (SDVoE™) 类型的 AV 分发端点都可互操作,与供应商或来源无关。但为什么这些端点可以互操作?什么保证了这种互操作性?
To answer this question we need to take a step back and understand SDVoE. Many people understand that ‘Video over Ethernet’ spells out distribution of video over standard networking infrastructure, i.e., Ethernet. But what does ‘Software Defined’ mean? This first part spells out and highlights that both the signal routing system configuration and control of AV signals are applied through software and programming constructs. More information about what exactly SDVoE signifies become apparent when visiting the SDVoE Alliance® website, where the mission statement is displayed prominently on the home page.
仔细阅读声明时,您会注意到多个关键词,包括:“制造商”、“设计师”、“集成商”、“技术经理”、“以太网”、“音视频分发”、“互操作性”、“标准化”、“DVoE 平台”、“用户体验”,此声明实质上承诺以下内容:
技术和服务提供商正在合作使用 SDVoE 平台,为最终用户提供定制、标准化和可互操作的视听体验。
First and foremost, SDVoE is a technology platform which is built upon two key technology components.
The first component is the family of networking technologies known as 10 gigabit Ethernet. 10G Ethernet is an Ethernet standard and governed by IEEE specifications. The main 10G Ethernet specification is IEEE 802.11ae, from 18 years ago (2002), and covers 10G Ethernet over fiber. In 2006, a new version, IEEE 802.3an, was released that specified 10G Ethernet over unshielded or shielded twisted pair cables for distances up to 100 meters.
第二个组件是称为 BlueRiver® 的视听路由和处理技术平台。SDVoE 平台使用的这项 BlueRiver 技术归 Semtech 所有。它实现了在网络上发送和控制视听信号方式的标准化,并确保了供应商互操作性(最终用户非常重视这一点,并认为各个行业理应做到这一点)。IT 就是一个很好的例子,例如,我们可以预期一个供应商的打印机可以搭配另一供应商的计算机。
BlueRiver 平台本身由两个组件组成:硬件和软件。硬件是片上系统集成电路 (SoC IC),即 BlueRiver 芯片组。软件是应用程序编程接口 (API),即 BlueRiver API。
作为硬件组件的 BlueRiver 芯片组位于所有支持 SDVoE 的端点和边缘设备中。在发射器 (TX) 设备内部,芯片用于将音视频源信号转换为网络数据包。在接收器 (RX) 设备内部,相同的 BlueRiver 芯片用于将接收到的网络数据包转换回音视频信号。
Having the same chipset on both the transmitter and receiver side means that transmitters and receivers from different vendors and manufactures can exchange and transport AV signals in a format that both understand. However, having both sides speaking the same language does not guarantee cooperation and interoperability. Something is still missing in terms of a higher function to discover and keep track of devices while deciding who is talking and when.
这正是 BlueRiver API(通常被称为 SDVoE API)的用武之地。它实施更高层次的应用功能,包括:
The API itself is implemented as a software service (or control server) that lives somewhere on the network. Every SDVoE system includes at least one such service. To control and manage the SDVoE system, control clients or sessions communicate with the API service, which in turn communicates with individual endpoints.
因此,服务在客户体验(音视频应用)软件和硬件端点之间形成了一个抽象层。应用软件不是直接访问硬件,而是与 API 服务交互,该服务定义了代表 SDVoE 系统各个组件的虚拟结构,包括端点、源、显示器和网络。
The application software is therefore agnostic to underlying hardware and not tied to any particular vendor or manufacturer.
The result is a platform that guarantees full and complete interoperability, not only on the hardware/endpoint level, but also between the application software and the physical endpoints.
As a result, the end user can sleep well at night knowing they have the flexibility to expand their current AV system without needing to go with the same AV integrator or equipment vendor. They can now choose based on their own criteria of cost, value and quality.
在我们的网站上详细了解 Semtech 的 BlueRiver 平台。
Semtech®, the Semtech logo, and BlueRiver® are registered trademarks or service marks of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. Other product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
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