2023 年 11 月 22 日
Wireless RF, Internet of Things

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2023 年 11 月 22 日
Wireless RF, Internet of Things
我很高兴地宣布更新 AirLink® 路由器产品组合,旨在简化任务关键型组织寻找理想蜂窝网络解决方案的流程。
In this rapidly evolving age of 5G, edge computing, private networking, satellite and other emerging technologies, the connectivity requirements of mission-critical organizations have become more varied than ever – as have the available options.
There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to mission-critical networking solutions. For instance, while both a police vehicle streaming HD video on the highway and an oil and gas company monitoring remote pipeline infrastructure necessitate ultra-reliable connectivity, their router requirements vary significantly.
This is why we’ve revamped our portfolio, making it easier for you to find a suitable solution tailored to your unique needs.
The refreshed AirLink Pro Series now segments the portfolio into 3 distinct categories: Ultimate, Performance and Compact.
What do they have in common? All Pro routers are designed to operate reliably in harsh environments with high security and high performance. Pro routers come equipped with remote and real-time monitoring and access to expert technical support through our AirLink services.
Beyond their robust design, Pro routers cater to the diverse needs of mission-critical organizations:
If you come back to the examples I used earlier, our police vehicle streaming HD video on the highway would highly benefit from our Ultimate routers − to maintain high-speed connectivity − while our oil & gas company would certainly prefer the compact, ultra-low power routers to monitor their remote pipeline equipment.
To enhance the user experience further, we have also revamped our website and introduced a dynamic comparison tool. You can now compare different routers side-by-side and pick the one that best suits your unique needs in a snap.
The refreshed AirLink Pro router portfolio simplifies your selection process, letting you focus on what truly matters – your mission-critical operations.
Explore our refreshed router portfolio or contact us today at https://www.sierrawireless.com/router-solutions/airlink/
Semtech®, the Semtech logo, and AirLink® are registered trademarks or service marks of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. Other product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
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