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Smart Cities Utilizing LoRa Technology

Written by Semtech Corporate Marketing | 14 June 2018

As more people move away from rural areas, cities around the world continue to grow.

The United Nations states that 68% of the world’s population will live in an urban setting by 2050. Urbanization places new demands on cities, causing the management of city infrastructures to become increasingly important. To keep up with rapid growth, city officials and governments look to incorporate solutions and tools to help with resource management, efficiency and connectivity. Smart city solutions can be leveraged to improve parking, traffic flows, street lighting, traffic light maintenance, predictive maintenance, waste management, and pollution.

Semtech’s LoRa® devices and wireless RF devices (LoRa Technology) is a leading Internet of Things (IoT) solution that can be used in various smart city applications. IoT networks based on the LoRaWAN® specification have been deployed in over 100 countries. It has been implemented around the globe because it is an interoperable solution that can be seamlessly deployed in cities while offering an impressive feature set.

LoRa Technology Benefits

  • Long Range – LoRa Technology can be utilized in dense urban settings and deep indoor environments, with a 15-30-mile range.

  • Low Power – LoRa Technology is low power and GPS-free, and batteries can often live up to 20 years.

  • Low Cost – LoRa Technology reduces infrastructure and operating costs.

  • Scalable – The LoRa Alliance® has over 500 members and each company is committed to supporting the adoption of LoRa Technology and the LoRaWAN specification.

  • Secure – LoRa Technology features AES-128 encryption for secure management of data.

LoRa Technology Around the Globe

LoRa Technology has been selected as the technology of choice for countless smart city applications and has been deployed all over the world. Here’s a list of 5 real-world smart city deployments that will show you how LoRa Technology enables a city to become smarter!

Tallinn, Estonia: Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, has utilized Nordic Automation Systems (NAS) Luminaire controllers featuring LoRa Technology to increase efficiency and sustainability in their Haven Kakumae harbor. The controllers streamline the management of the lights, thus reducing energy usage. The harbor also utilizes an electricity meter created by NAS to maintain electricity usage. These systems connect to a LoRaWAN network, thus allowing remote access for city officials and managers.

卢旺达基加利市:移动卫星通信提供商 Inmarsat运营商级解决方案 ThingPark 的创建者 Actility电信提供商 Jersey Telecom 正在帮助创建非洲首批智能城市并“将在城市周围部署 LoRaWAN 基础设施”。通过这一部署,基加利市便能将物联网用于从交通到教育的各种应用。首批部署将测试空气质量、水管理和互联网连接。

Stratford, Ontario: Smart parking sensors featuring LoRa Technology, manufactured by PNI Sensor Corp, were placed throughout Stratford near city hall to increase efficiency. Stratford residents and visitors now have the ability to monitor parking availability before arriving at their downtown destination. The deployment of these sensors is part of a pilot project for the city. This effort was done in partnership with eleven-x, FoxNet and ODX.

Helsingborg, Sweden: The city has announced its plan to build a LoRaWAN network that begins in Helsingborg and extends throughout Sweden. A “city hub alliance” has been formed by Oresundskraft, a Swedish energy company, designed to connect over 200 networks in Sweden. The goal is to “lay the ground for smart city services, and complement existing fibre access.”

The list above includes just a few examples of the many smart cities around the world that are utilizing LoRa Technology. Is LoRa Technology in your city yet?

Download our Smart City Ebook to learn more.


Semtech、Semtech 徽标、LoRa 和 LoRaWAN 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务标志。