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LoRa, Smart Agriculture, Smart Cities, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, ESG

Marc Pégulu

Marc Pégulu

Marc Pégulu 是 Semtech 无线和传感产品部的市场营销副总裁。


世界数百万人面临着饥饿的威胁,而且数字还在不断上升。全球约 6.9 亿人每晚饿着肚子睡觉,而这一 figure is expected to increase to 840 million people by 2030.


气候变化极大地影响着全球饥饿问题。与地球变暖相关的极端天气相关事件影响全球数百万人的食物供应。气候变化还增加了许多层面的暴力冲突,这是 主要驱动因素 of food crises: hunger becomes much more severe when conflicts are prolonged.

However, despite hunger’s reach, there is more than enough food produced in the world to feed everyone on the planet, but many challenges need to be overcome in order to better allocate food resources.


The wasting of food crops is a significant issue: according to a study on farm food loss from Santa Clara University, over a third of edible produce remains unharvested and is therefore wasted. ReFED 由一些致力于消除食物浪费的非营利组织、企业和政府机构组成。他们估计,美国 21% 的水、18% 的农田和 19% 的肥料用于生产从不食用的食物。种植粮食需要大量资源,而食物浪费意味着不必要地使用化石燃料来生产这些资源,从而导致气候变化。


Livestock and Food Waste

Animal husbandry has a substantial impact on our environment. Livestock cultivation accounts for between 20% to 33% 世界淡水使用量。牲畜及其所需的饲料占用了地球上大约三分之一的耕地。除了使用土地和水外,牲畜还会产生温室气体,从而导致气候变化:如奶牛造成了占总量 35% 至 40% 的 甲烷排放量 of our planet. Studies have demonstrated that more efficient land use by farmers is one of the best strategies to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions from livestock farming.

与农作物一样,牲畜也会受到废物问题的影响。包括健康问题、环境状况和捕猎行为在内的各种原因造成的牲畜损失 substantial,例如,牛和小牛的死亡损失高达 $3.87 billion in 2015. Respiratory, digestive and calving problems, along with weather related events, caused 64% of cattle mortality that year.

Combating 食物废物和动物排泄物取决于我们食物系统效率的提升情况。以可持续的方式提升粮食安全,这需要加强对粮食系统的监督。很多 studies 已经确定,减少粮食损失和浪费在实现全球粮食安全和减缓气候变化方面发挥着关键作用。借助物联网 (IoT),可对农作物和牲畜进行高级监测,从而显著提高粮食系统效率并防止浪费。


运行 LoRaWAN® 标准的终端器件 可以帮助农场和牧场更有效地运营,减少浪费,提高产量并最大限度地节省开支。例如,itk 的 FarmLife® 智慧农业服务 monitors cattle health, utilizing such end devices 更改为 detect cattle estrus, contribute to improved nutrition and predict disease onset, which helps 牧场主 closely monitor their herd, mitigating against livestock death and also boosting birth rates.

作为牧牛场的第二套实施方案,俄罗斯智能技术创新者 lar.tech 开发了一种物联网牛场监测解决方案,将传感器贴在牛的耳朵上,通过 LoRaWAN 网关实时无线传输数据。GPS 追踪器和生物识别传感器可以密切监测牛的生命体征和位置,确保牲畜安全并防止走失或盗窃。传感器还可监测动物活动、体温和发情情况,并在发生异常时立即发出通知。

IoT Optimizes Farm Water Usage

IoT devices can also improve efficiency in farming. Oizom, an IoT solution provider, leveraged Tata Communications’ infrastructure utilizing LoRaWAN network connectivity for its Agribot smart agriculture solution. This solution allows farmers to closely monitor their irrigation systems, providing farmers with the data they need to optimize water usage, resulting in more efficient and profitable farms.

科技公司 Sensoterra 也在其土壤水分测量系统中利用物联网解决方案。他们的低成本无线产品为农户提供有关作物水分状况的实时数据,然后通过 LoRaWAN 网络将数据转发到 Sensoterra 后端进行解码和校准,这可以减少多达 30% 的商业农场用水量。

最近,Semtech 的合作伙伴 SAS 宣布致力于 developing IoT solutions 以帮助大田作物和畜牧业组织提高质量和产量,确保世界粮食供应的安全和丰富。数据分析技术利用 LoRaWAN 连接来打造可持续和更智能的地球。

Further explore how LoRa® facilitates smart agriculture practices here.


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