Inside Out | Semtech 企业博客

5G 和 LoRaWAN 的未来

Written by Remi Lorrain | 09 February 2021

物联网 (IoT) 在整个垂直行业受到欢迎,连接设备的数量不断增长,但连接技术的格局仍错综复杂。任何一种物联网网络都做不到全面覆盖并满足所有垂直物联网用例的要求。

蜂窝网络通过消耗能量来提供范围和带宽。它可以频繁地长距离传输大量数据,但会迅速消耗电池电量。因此,蜂窝连接通常用于大容量应用(如监控)或回传。回传是指网关利用低功耗广域网 (LPWA) 网络与传感器/器件进行通信,然后使用以太网、Wi-Fi 或蜂窝网络连接到云以传输数据。

要想扩大范围并保持低功耗,LPWA 网络技术是大多数物联网用例的绝佳之选,因为它们通常仅需要偶尔传输少量数据。借助 LoRaWAN® 协议,传感器或器件可跨数英里发送数据,而且电池可使用数年,而不是之前的数周或数月。

LoRaWAN 网络易于部署,方便成千上万的传感器/器件以更低的成本、跨更长的距离收集和发送数据,且电池寿命显著延长。

5G 即将到来

业界审慎期待着 5G 技术的标准和商用化,但人们越来越担心 5G 能否成为物联网连接的灵丹妙药,以及它是否会与其他网络连接技术共存。

随着第三代合作伙伴计划 (3GPP) 的发布,5G 技术标准得到批准,未来几年内 5G 技术有望逐步推出。

一些网络运营商已于 2020 年开始部署全市或校园网络。

3GPP 的 5G 规范第 17 版将新无线电 (NR)-Lite 规范标准化以应对更大规模的物联网应用。该规范预计于 2021 年底获得批准。但 5G 网络以及支持第 17 版规范的器件硬件可能要到 2024 年初才会投入商用。

在 5G 网络投入商用后,网络运营商将能够提供差异化连接,塑造全新的蜂窝网络功能,如确定性网络、网络切片和高吞吐量以及低延迟连接。但 ABI Research 认为:“技术标准在逐步获得批准,技术生态系统在不断成熟,但释放 5G 全部潜力的时间要长于预期。”

LoRaWAN 网络已成熟

Semtech’s LoRa® portfolio of transceivers was announced in 2012, initially addressing the demand for IoT applications using private IoT networks. In 2015, the LoRa Alliance®, a non-profit association, was formed to manage and promote the LoRaWAN protocol as an open LPWA network standard. Now, the LoRa Alliance has hundreds of global member companies and LoRaWAN networks extend into 99 countries served by 148 network operators, and growing.

LoRaWAN 网络架构使用星型网络拓扑结构部署,其中网关在终端设备和中央网络服务器之间中继消息。网关通过标准 IP 连接到网络服务器并充当透明网桥,只需将 RF 数据包与 IP 数据包相互转换。无线通信利用了 LoRa 物理层的长距离特性,允许在终端设备与一个或多个网关之间实施单跳链路。所有模式都可以进行双向通信。

如今,LoRaWAN 协议是经验证的免授权、非蜂窝 LPWA 网络技术,可满足庞大的物联网垂直市场的需求,如智能计量、智慧城市、资产跟踪和物流、商业楼宇自动化、智能家居以及其他关键的垂直物联网市场。以下是当前部署的部分用例。

企业 LoRaWAN 实施


In 2018, JRI launched a solution that uses sensors leveraging the LoRaWAN protocol and a Cloud-based application platform to provide a turnkey temperature monitoring solution for both fixed and mobile assets for industries, including healthcare, food retail, and the energy sector.

The JRI-MySirius solution was chosen and implemented by a leading grocery retailer in France for real-time monitoring of its cold storage supply chain. The system is deployed on a national scale to provide real-time visibility to a 650-vehicle fleet, each equipped with two temperature-controlled refrigerated containers. Previously, temperature was monitored using data loggers that required manual collection from each refrigerated container every week. This system was not only labor intensive, but also severely limited the visibility of the supply chain’s flow.

In this case, a LoRaWAN network is accessed over public networks provided by Orange, who deployed its first LoRaWAN network in 2016, and via private LoRaWAN networks for indoor coverage that can penetrate metallic structures, thick walls and insulated cold rooms.


世界大型能源公司雪佛龙计划用无线物联网传感器器件将其所有高价值的关键现场资产连接起来。雪佛龙位于加利福尼亚州的圣华金谷 (SJV) 事业部在 38 平方英里的范围内运营着六个油气田。2019 年,SJV 实施了 LoRaWAN 网络基础设施,以数十个具有 4G 蜂窝回传连接的 MultiTech Conduit 网关覆盖油田,将网关数据直接发送到雪佛龙 Microsoft Azure 物联网服务。

LoRaWAN 网络用于连接 3500 多口井(即将达到 10000 口)和储罐的智能盖子,以远程传输液位读数;之前需要人员开车去各个油井,并使用量油尺手动测量,然后记在纸上。对于雪佛龙而言,智能盖子解决方案的投资回报率 (ROI) 已接近 10:1。在成功实施智能盖子后,雪佛龙的 SJV 事业部计划利用其现有的 LoRaWAN 网络基础设施来实施其他远程状态监测用例。


IoT device maker Ercogener developed an end-to-end tracking solution for monitoring industrial assets. France’s national state-owned railway company, SNCF, implemented the tracking solution to provide real-time visibility of its valuable assets.

LoRaWAN 网络是此应用的主要连接方式,可以实现更长的设备电池寿命,因为位置和传感器信息仅每 10 分钟发送一次,每天最多发送 144 条消息。较长的电池寿命限制了重新现场更换电池的次数,并显著改善了整个设备生命周期的管理成本。


As IoT continues to connect millions of physical devices to digital assets, Semtech’s LoRa devices and the LoRaWAN protocol will play an integral role. ABI Research estimates that, by 2026, LoRa will be the leading non-cellular LPWA network technology and will account for more than half of all non-cellular LPWA connections. The firm estimates the total non-cellular LPWA connections in 2026 will reach 1.3 billion and Cellular LPWA connections, which include NB-IoT, LTE-M, and 5G, will reach 1.5 billion connections, including the large 2G customer base migrating towards NB-IoT and LTE-M.

当然,LoRaWAN 和 5G 未来将共存。它们主要以混合网络的形式部署并用于多个用例。现在已有数百万采用 LoRaWAN 协议的物联网设备互联,这一数量未来还将持续增长。5G 网络和 LoRaWAN 网络都是一种接入网络技术,它们将互为补充,并可将数据从远程区域的网关回传到云或前端系统。

For more detailed information, download “LoRaWAN and Multi-RAN Architecture Connecting the Next Billion IoT Devices” white paper by ABI Research and the “Ultimate Network Comparison” infographic to learn the pros and cons for the top six IoT network options: LoRa/LoRaWAN, NB-IoT, Zigbee, Wi-Fi, BLE, and 5G.

Semtech、Semtech 徽标和 LoRa 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务商标。