Inside Out | Semtech 企业博客


Written by Raza Khan | 20 July 2022

从智能手机和笔记本电脑,到自动取款机和在线购物,数据一直在流动。随着消费技术和行业创新的进步,预计到 2025 年,全球数据创建量将增长到 175 泽字节 (ZB)。其中近 53ZB 的数据将被实时消耗——相当于一次流式传输 5830 亿个 4K 视频的数据——这将使当前的网络基础设施不堪重负。

未来,5.5G 和 6G 无线网络将实现更复杂的用例,如智慧城市、自动驾驶汽车和人工智能。当前的 5G 部署必须增加容量,同时降低功耗和延迟,才能支持这些技术的数据传输需求。举个例子,智能制造站点每月可生成高达 2,200 太字节 (TB) 的数据。智能传感器和互联设备每秒都在收集数据,任何滞后或停机都可能导致生产时间和收入的损失。Semtech 的 Tri-Edge™ PAM4 CDR 平台通过支持更高速的光纤连接来解决这些难题。这种光纤连接可传输海量数据,能满足更高带宽需求,功耗更低,时延也更低。


Networks must optimize bandwidth to handle the increased data needed for current or future 5.5G and 6G use cases. For example, streaming one Netflix show requires 25 megabits of data per second (Mbps). However, autonomous cars will generate as much as 40TB of data an hour from cameras, radar and other sensors—the same amount of data as using an iPhone for over 3,000 years. As autonomous cars advance and become more common, data traffic will greatly increase, pushing current infrastructure to maximum capacity. By integrating Semtech’s Tri-Edge solutions with current wireless networks, wireless service providers can double the bandwidth of currently deployed 25 gigabits per second (Gbps) front-haul links and prepare networks to handle these data-intense innovations.

Increased network traffic from connected technology will also increase power consumption. Analyst firm ABI Research reports that while 5G is 90% more efficient than 4G in terms of energy consumption per unit of traffic, 5G base stations require three times more energy to provide the same coverage as a 4G network. The Tri-Edge analog platform is optimized for immediate data transfer by using more than 20% less power consumption over digital signal processor (DSP) technology. By 2027, Tri-Edge solutions could save up to 1TWh of energy and 384,000 metric tons of CO2 emissions from data center and wireless systems optical links each year. This is the energy equivalent of powering 100,000 homes. As more powerful and large-scale use cases come to market, Semtech’s power-saving optical technology will allow future networks to operate more sustainably.

Additionally, as more high-risk use cases such as remote surgeries and robotic process automation come to fruition with 5.5G and 6G, low latency will become even more important. Semtech’s Tri-Edge portfolio enables near-zero latency variation and less than 0.5ns of absolute latency for fast and accurate data transfer. By integrating Tri-Edge into wireless RAN architecture, the ecosystem can lay the foundation for future low-latency and high bandwidth applications.


未来的互联和无线技术充满了各种激动人心的可能性。我们将从单纯看到一个虚拟世界转变为用全部五种感官来加以体验。建筑、交通和人员将无缝通信,实现在全球各地建设智慧城市。然而,要部署 5G 和未来世代的无线服务,其重中之重在于为所有人提供无处不在的连接。这正是 Tri-Edge 产品组合不断演化的原因。Semtech 通过为无线网络创建可扩展、适应性强的光通信技术,致力支持当前的无线基础设施,同时持续聚焦于未来的互联世界。

详细了解 Semtech 的 Tri-Edge 平台

Semtech 和 Semtech 徽标是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务标志,Tri-Edge 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的商标或服务标志。