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LoRa 通过 Amazon Sidewalk 进军消费者物联网领域

Written by Alistair Fulton | 21 September 2020

Semtech has taken great strides to help solution developers realize the potential for LoRa® devices in the smart home space. With the launch of its LoRa Smart Home™ transceiver earlier this year, Semtech is making it easier for developers to leverage the benefits of long range, low power and low cost end devices based on LoRa for the consumer market.

Adding to the building momentum for using LoRa devices in the smart home industry, Semtech announced it has teamed with Amazon to collaborate on its network, Amazon Sidewalk. Amazon first announced Sidewalk in late 2019, among announcements for new Ring smart home devices and development plans for a new geofencing pet tracker. Leveraging the long range features of LoRa, Amazon Sidewalk will enable device connectivity from the home to the garden, and into the neighborhood to benefit entire communities.

Smart Communities Based on LoRa

Semtech’s LoRa devices have grown rapidly as the platform of choice for Industrial and Enterprise Internet of Things (IoT) applications, however, its potential in the consumer space has only recently begun to be realized. Most of the smart home devices on the market today rely on Wi-Fi or Bluetooth to connect devices to the Internet. With short range, high bandwidth protocols come limitations on reach and excessive battery drain. On the other hand, Cellular networks, such as existing and future 5G networks, are ill-suited for low power IoT devices that simply need low cost, low power and low bandwidth connectivity.

A home is more than just what lies within its walls – a home extends throughout an entire property, into the garden, to detached structures, perimeters, and even to mobile assets. While applications vary, customers’ demand for dependable connectivity that works “out of the box” doesn’t change with range. Today homeowners can install IoT-connected sensors throughout all areas of their property, but the owners’ experience is often impacted by “dead zones” that are out of reach of Wi-Fi routers, or too far away for short range communication platforms like Bluetooth. With LoRa, customers are able to maintain dependable connectivity even when devices become mobile and significantly increase their range, enabling customers to keep track of valuable “assets” like pets or bicycles.

New Possibilities for Smart Home Devices

When smart home devices extend into the community, the long range capabilities of LoRa devices enable new possibilities for asset tracking and geofencing applications. By utilizing Amazon Sidewalk, many devices can extend their range by up to a half mile, in comparison to a few hundred feet with other technologies.

LoRa devices are also well-suited for many common smart home applications on the market today, such as smart lighting, door and window sensors, motion sensors, smart locks, smart irrigation, and more. The lower power consumption of LoRa devices offers a compelling alternative to Wi-Fi or Bluetooth-based battery-operated IoT devices. Frequently recharging or changing batteries on sensors can be inconvenient, particularly when sensors are placed in hard to reach areas. Worse, home security devices that drain battery power quickly can pose a risk, failing at the very moment when they are needed. LoRa solves these shortcomings by enabling devices which leverage its extremely low power communication capabilities to run for years on a single battery or charge.

Opportunity for the LoRa Ecosystem of Developers

LoRa 器件在智能家居领域的优势显而易见,而且借助 Amazon Sidewalk,很快就会有更多消费者能在日常生活中体验 LoRa。在 Amazon 准备宣布 Sidewalk 网络的正式发布日期的同时,我们 Semtech 也会做好自己的本分,让我们庞大的开发者生态系统做足准备,以便把握即将到来的机遇。正如我们之前所分享的那样,Semtech 的团队致力于简化基于 LoRa 的解决方案的开发,以帮助开发者加快解决方案的上市速度。我们已通过 LoRa Basics™ 和 LoRa Cloud™ Services 等工具兑现了这些承诺。LoRa 开发者门户是我们的“一站式商店”,为开发者提供其所关注的一切。它提供强大的工具库、指南和论坛,将开发者与 Semtech 的专家联系起来。我们将不断改进和发展,通过一系列硬件和软件工具去为开发者提供支持,帮助他们基于 Amazon Sidewalk 支持的 LoRa 构建创新智能家居和智能社区解决方案。

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Semtech、Semtech 徽标和 LoRa 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务标志,LoRa Basics、LoRa Cloud 和 LoRa Smart Home 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的商标或服务标志。