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“好啦”服务机器人使用 LoRa 进行配送

Written by Mike Wong | 19 August 2021

随着物联网(IoT)技术和信息物理系统 (CPS) 的快速发展,机器人已在众多行业中得到广泛应用。工业机器人不仅常见于电子、汽车、化工等行业,也越来越多地用于家庭、酒店、餐厅等环境中的服务功能。近年来,全球服务机器人技术取得了长足的进步和发展,在家庭、教育、公共服务、医疗等领域实现了一系列突破性的应用,为创造更好的生活和进一步提高生产效率奠定了基础。

According to predictions from McKinsey Global Institute, by 2025, the global application of robots will have an economic effect of USD 1.7 to 4.5 trillion per year, of which service robots will account for about 70% of this market. The service robot industry in China is achieving faster development based on multiple factors, including an accelerating work pace, aging society, decrease in the working-age population, and increase in labor costs. These factors make it easier for a variety of service industries to deploy robots. Subsequently, service robots can improve production efficiency, liberating people from single and trivial work, and provide reasonable care for the elderly and the sick.

The intelligent service robot is a networking device. With factors such as large space, concrete sheltering and complex driving paths, many restaurants, hotels, hospitals, and retail outlets require IoT technology which has a longer coverage distance, a more flexible and convenient network structure and higher reliability. Semtech’s LoRa® devices are well suited for the service robot industry because of its proven wide coverage, high reliability and flexibility.

As an industrial leading supplier of intelligent delivery robots and low-speed unmanned driving solutions, Shenzhen Pudu Technology Co., Ltd. (PuduTech) has adhered to the “inventor spirit” since its establishment, launching multiple robots applied in different scenarios and has improved business efficiency for users. HolaBot is an automatic collecting and dispensing robot launched by PuduTech, featuring a call notification function. HolaBot has been applied in multiple scenarios.


  • Ultra-large capacity and high carrying capacity:The carrying capacity is as high as 60kg. With 120L ultra-large volume and 4-layer carrying space, it can be used to collect dishes of multiple tables and clear tables quickly in the catering industry. In the medical application, it can complete the non-contact transport of medical waste from the production point to the designated storage room so as to improve the efficiency of medical waste treatment and reduce infection rates.

  • 手表远程呼叫:“好啦”机器人支持智能手表远程呼叫模式,实时呼叫机器人并下达任务指令,做到随叫随到

  • Non-contact operation: Without touching a button, it is efficient and contact-free.

  • IPX5 waterproof cabin: IPX5 waterproof cabin can effectively resist all kinds of liquid splashing in the working environment so as to keep the body clean.

在定义和设计“好啦”机器人时,普渡科技观察到,在餐厅和医院等复杂场景中,人员流动性大,墙壁等障碍物多。为保证通信稳定和及时响应,普渡科技在远程通话手表中采用了 LoRa。LoRa 具有功耗低、覆盖广、信号穿透力强的特点。服务人员可通过带有 LoRa 的智能手表轻松呼叫机器人。

Remote call watch features LoRa for wireless communication

据普渡科技介绍,“好啦”机器人已广泛应用于餐饮等行业,大幅提高了工作效率。深圳一家餐厅比较了单个“好啦”机器人和一名服务员收碗碟的数量。结果表明,机器人可以更高效地收碗碟,有效补充劳动力。机器人还可避免在收集过程中打破碗碟,并可一次执行多项任务,例如直接将碗碟运送到洗涤区。“好啦”机器人还配备了 IPX5 防水舱,不惧怕溅水,清洁人员可直接戴着浸水的手套收集碗碟。之后用户可以用手势将机器人引导回待机点并等待下一次呼叫。

深圳市普渡科技有限公司首席执行官张涛表示:“‘好啦’机器人是普渡科技推出的一款多场景、易协作的收配机器人,主打呼叫通知功能。通过与 Semtech 合作,我们在机器人的远程智能控制中应用了 LoRa 器件。得益于 LoRa 覆盖范围广、信号穿透力强、稳定性高等特点,我们让‘好啦’机器人做到了‘随叫随到’,帮助用户提高业务效率。普渡科技针对其他场景推出的‘欢乐送’机器人、‘贝拉’机器人和‘欢乐消’机器人也在全球得到广泛应用。”

作为领先的智能配送机器人供应商,普渡科技在新冠疫情期间为多家医院和隔离点提供了数百个“欢乐送”机器人。这些机器人主要负责为医院和酒店隔离点运送物品。它们可承载 3-4 层托盘(475×400 毫米),承载能力是人力的 2.5 倍,平均每天可完成 300-400 次配送。还可同时部署多个机器人,以高效地配送餐食、药品、饮用水或患者要求的其他物品。医护人员无需直接接触患者,只需将物品放在欢乐送机器人上,它会自动前往病房门口。患者在听到欢乐送机器人的语音提示后开门取物,耗时不到半分钟,无需任何接触操作。然后,机器人将自动返回,并在消毒后继续配送。


普度科技的“好啦”机器人将 Semtech 的 LoRa 器件与其服务机器人相结合,有助于提高餐饮、医疗等行业的效率。作为一种成熟的物联网技术,LoRa 以其覆盖范围广、功耗低、稳定性强的特点,被众多行业应用于智能产品和解决方案中,以提供可靠稳定的连接。我们期待看到客户将更多创新的服务机器人产品扩展到其他应用场景。 

Explore more applications of LoRa devices on our website.

Semtech、Semtech 徽标和 LoRa 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务商标。