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Everynet 在美国推出全国 LoRaWAN 网络

Written by Lawrence Latham | 23 June 2021

The number of Internet of Things (IoT) devices deployed across the globe is expected to triple over the next decade. As a result of this growth, there’s a need for more low power connectivity to process the small amounts of data these devices produce quickly and securely. Moreover, with 2G and 3G networks sunsetting, enterprises are in need of a low power wide area (LPWA) network that is cost-effective and reliable in order to provide the connectivity needed to power IoT applications across a variety of industries.

To enable greater IoT connectivity and give enterprises more choices, Everynet launched a national LoRaWAN® network in the United States, adding another key geographical region to its established global footprint. In collaboration with Semtech and Crown Castle, the first phase of the rollout is anticipated to go live by the end of 2021 to the top 36 metropolitan areas and an additional 100+ key logistics intersections, airports and seaports. The deployment is expected to provide coverage to approximately 50% of the U.S. population.

Everynet 的优势

Everynet 的独特之处在于以批发模式运行的超低成本中立主机物联网网络。具体来说,我们建立覆盖范围,并使我们的合作伙伴(如移动网络运营商 (MNO)、移动虚拟网络运营商 (MVNO)、应用服务提供商 (ASP)、托管服务提供商 (MSP) 和互联网服务提供商 (ISP))能够为客户提供运营商级的低功耗广域 (LPWA) 物联网服务。因此,批发模式允许多个企业从相同的网络覆盖中受益并选择适合自身业务需求的连接类型。我们的网络还具有大规模优势——可处理数十亿条消息。

Enabling IoT Use Cases

Some of the most needed use cases for our network is within the utilities, supply chain and logistics and smart infrastructure industries. By collaborating with Semtech, we are able to ensure customers can benefit from the LoRaWAN® standard, ensuring reliability and longevity from their IoT applications.

在这些行业中,Everynet 和 Semtech 可提供帮助的场景包括:

  • 消耗监测——为了轻松管理用水量,智能 LoRaWAN 传感器可以测量家庭或企业的用水量并检测任何浪费或故障,以确保运营效率。因此,使用 Everynet 网络的公用事业的运营成本降低了多达 15%。

  • Fleet and Cargo Tracking – to effectively track the movement of goods throughout the entire supply chain, assets can be securely monitored and located at any point, reducing the risk of stolen or damaged goods, offering solutions for the overwhelming $22 billion worth of cargo that is stolen each

  • Intelligent Parking System – to help ease the stress of finding a parking spot while also reducing CO2 emissions, drivers can be notified of empty spots when at a destination. This reduces the time spent parking, decreases traffic volume by up to 10% and even shrinks CO2 emissions by up to 38%.

We are committed to working closely with Semtech and its expansive customer base as LoRaWAN sensors go live on our new U.S. network. We anticipate lots of new use cases and customer applications to deploy in the near future. For any Semtech customers, we want to partner with you too – please reach out, I’m here to help.

详细了解 Everynet 和我们在美国的网络部署

Semtech、Semtech 徽标和 LoRa 是 Semtech Corporation 或其附属公司的注册商标或服务商标。