Semtech®, the Semtech logo, and BlueRiver® are registered trademarks or service marks of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. Other product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.
由 Semtech 的 BlueRiver® 技术提供支持的以太网传输软件定义视频 (SDVoE™) 在欧洲集成系统展 (ISE) 上吸引了 80,000 多名观众。该技术由 BlueRiver 的 NT1000 和 NT2000 AV-over-IP 芯片组以及全面的软件应用程序编程接口 (API) 组成。BlueRiver 是基于 SDVoE 的网络架构的核心,这些架构正迅速取代专业音视频切换系统中的矩阵切换器。
The SDVoE Alliance® is creating an invaluable ecosystem around SDVoE technology. The non-profit consortium of technology providers collaborate to standardize the adoption of Ethernet to transport AV signals in professional AV environments. Over twenty members featured their SDVoE-compatible solutions powered by Semtech’s BlueRiver technology, including Aurora, Christie, DVIGear, IDK Corporation, and ZeeVee. Manufacturers with AV distribution and processing applications that demand zero-latency and uncompromised video took advantage of several opportunities to learn more about this revolutionary SDVoE technology. Below are a few highlights from the show.
平台的互操作性使设计者能够利用市场上的所有资源构建最合适的系统。Semtech 可互操作的 BlueRiver 技术为音视频扩展延长、切换、处理及控制提供了一个端到端的硬件和软件平台。
Semtech 的 BlueRiver NT 芯片组是业界第一款通过标准以太网实现零延迟、无压缩图像质量的超高清/4K HDR 传输的芯片组,也是负责在所有 SDVoE 兼容设备之间实现全面互操作的通用 API。BlueRiver 芯片组系列配备一个可编程的芯片系统 (SoC),利用发射器、接收器和即用型以太网交换机构成的简单网络来取代传统的 AV/KVM 扩展器、矩阵切换器、视频墙控制器以及窗口处理器。
欧洲首屈一指的系统集成商和视觉演示提供商 LANG AG 为系统设计者、集成商和技术经理举办了展位演示和圆桌讨论,以展示 BlueRiver 技术如何使来自多个供应商的基于 SDVoE 的产品作为一个 AV over IP 信号传输系统无缝地协同运行。
为消除 AV-over-IP 部署中不必要的复杂性,NETGEAR 创建了 SDVoE 就绪的 M4300-96X 模块化管理型交换机。交换机经过预先配置,可轻松实现真正的音视频和多播零接触网络配置。展会上推出的这一独特的新型产品在集成产品层面上结合了 IT 和音视频,而不仅仅是在基础设施层面。传统矩阵切换器的最后一个优势是它能够支持机架内资源的本地 HDMI 。而BlueRiver 解决方案让旧的矩阵切换器不再具备任何优势。
NETGEAR unveiled how users can simply select the combination of HDMI, copper, PoE+ and fiber M4300-96X port expansion cards that fit requirements, insert the cards, connect SDVoE-based encoders and decoders, and power on the switch. SDVoE-based systems with symmetric input-output configurations are supported such as 48×48, but asymmetric solutions such as 24×72 are just as easily accommodated.
SDVoE Alliance 在 ISE 上提供大量的教育及合作伙伴培训课程,课程重点是 SDVoE 如何改变了矩阵。参与者能全面了解到 SDVoE 平台的众多优点。它不但能提供与传统矩阵切换器一样的质量和性能,同时还具备基于以太网设计的优势,非常灵活,可扩展,能节约成本,且具备简化的系统架构。
In just two years, the Alliance has grown to 40 member companies shipping 158 products. In addition, more than 300 SDVoE Design Partners have been trained and certified. Member companies are poised to deliver upwards of 150,000 AV endpoints in the coming year. To date, SDVoE-based products have been deployed across a wide range of professional audio/visual vertical markets, including corporate, industrial, medical, residential, education, signage, hospitality, and entertainment.
设计者、集成商和最终用户正在接受 SDVoE 提供的更加开放和标准化的信号管理方法。详细了解正在改变音视频系统设计的技术。
Semtech®, the Semtech logo, and BlueRiver® are registered trademarks or service marks of Semtech Corporation or its affiliates. Other product or service names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.